Ep. 125: [RS Spotlight] Being True to YOU to Grow Your Biz w/Jaime Moar & Katie Braja

Grow your business Podcast Erika Tebbens Consulting

In this Rebellious Success Spotlight episode I'm interviewing two amazing clients from my group coaching program who know a thing or two about living their truths in their businesses. Both Katie and Jaime are yoga instructors, but they are also so much MORE! Their unique expertise helps them coach their clients to connect with the truest versions of themselves as a way to live life more fully in alignment with their innate and powerful qualities. They've also infused this into their businesses and it's allowed them to not only serve the best clients and do really fun collaborations, but it's helped them build thriving businesses that beautifully serve the unique human running the business. If you're curious how you can get more still and more easily tap into your truth for more satisfaction and ease as an entrepreneur, then give it a listen. You're going to love them as much as I do!

Jaime is a yoga teacher, human design reader, and alignment coach. She does everything with her whole heart and helps others do the same.

Katie Braja is a yoga, breathwork + meditation coach for imperfect humans who struggle with consistency, perfectionism, and making meaningful time for self-care. Through group classes and individual programs, she helps people create a personal practice that's a source of strength and self-nourishment, not guilt or shame.


IG: @katiebraja
Free 5-Minute Anytime Meditation: bit.ly/meditateanytime

IG: @jaimejessica

Additional Links:
Rebellious Success: rebellious-success.com

  • This episode of sell it, sister is really special because not only is it part of my rebellious success spotlight series, where I feature real clients that I've worked with in my rebellious success program, but it's also the first time that I have attempted to interview two people at one.

    And I think it worked out pretty well. So hopefully you agree, these women are so awesome. I know you're going to learn so much. It was actually really hard to just like, kind of narrow it down to a clear and concise topic for this one, because we talked about so many different things, but they really. All do you make sense together?

    And I would say that like really the overarching feeling, uh, or message that came through in this interview for me was that the most important thing is to uncover who we truly are and

    to honor that and to lean into it and to come back to it when we. Get out of alignment with it, which will happen. And it's okay.

    We don't need to judge ourselves. And also that it's being able to lean into our own truth and getting support that honors, who we are and, uh, at our core and what we want to do in the world. Really, really, really valuable and that who we are is, is magical and, uh, and is something that is really special and should be celebrated.

    And it's where we can actually find the most success. And I've had the pleasure of actually working with both of the. On the receiving end of the work they do, and they are they're phenomenal. So please go check them out if you resonate with them. And I'm sure you will, after the episode. So a little bit about each of them.

    So Katie Brusha is a yoga breath work and meditation coach for imperfect. Struggle with consistency, perfectionism and making meaningful time for self care through group coaching classes and individual programs. She helps people create a personal practice. That's a source of strength and self. Not guilt or shame.

    She's actually been my meditation mentor. And as somebody who thought I would never be able to have a meditation practice, I can say to you now I do, it feels like a miracle. And I'm so glad I worked with Katie and Jamie is a yoga teacher, human design reader, and alignment coach. She does everything with her whole heart and helps others do this.

    And Jamie actually did my human design chart reading for me. It was so awesome. It was so interesting. And she is just a delight. Even like, if you follow her on Instagram, you will see her. Like sunshiny by vicious personality shining through. And when you follow Katie, you just feel calm instantaneously.

    It's so nice. So all of their contact info is in the show notes. Definitely go give them a follow. And now onto the interview. Hey, Jamie and Katie, welcome to the, sell it sister podcast. I am really excited to have the both of you together. My first episode, interviewing more than one person at once. So this will be an, an adventure, uh, but this is part of my rebellious success spotlight series, where I am bringing on some fabulous.

    Clients of mine. Who've been in my rebellious success program to allow them to share their brilliance with you. So welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for having us so excited to be with both of you in one zoom room. Yes. So it's so fun. So one thing I loved about, um, you both had joined the very first cohort and in that cohort, there were four different people who teach.

    Yoga, which was wild. But the thing that I love about all four of you is that you also have other things that are your specialties in addition to yoga. And I've been able to experience that with each of you. So Jamie, uh, thus human design, which I'm going to have her explain and she read my chart and it was so great.

    And. So eye opening and really fun. And Katie also helps people with meditation and she has been my meditation coach, my mentor. And I can safely say that I am a personnel who meditates, which I never thought would be possible. So I absolutely love it. So first up, Jamie, why don't. Explain a bit more about what you do beyond yoga and why you love it.

    That's so interesting that you brought that up. That we all, I feel like we all maybe started in yoga too, and then it leads to so much, or it's such a good place, like a starting point to really, I guess, I mean, as cheesy as it sounds, get to know yourself better and then figure out what it is, you really.

    Are good at or bad, or what lights you up. And it's so funny, Eric, I was just listening to your episode on refining your focus and finding more hell yes. Clients, and you were using so much human designed terminology, actually, in terms of like, you know, letting go of those say offers that you've been doing for awhile that maybe still make you money or having those clients that are still like you were saying, like, it's not that you don't like them, but just, it's not firing you up anymore.

    It's not exciting you anymore. So that was super on point with the. Following your gut, really? Um, but yes, I started teaching yoga about 10 years ago. I was mainly teaching yoga to kids and to people with special needs. And the reason I started with those populations was because I thought they weren't judgmental and cause they aren't, but turns out I was talking to a friend recently.

    Grownups to are almost just as like childlike in so many ways, really. Right? Like we all just want to be seen and we want to be heard and we want someone to take care of us and give us a safe space to connect with ourselves. And so now I teach yoga to. Typical grownups as well. Um, and I've been loving that too, but I've been using both yoga and human design now to coach women, basically to get to know themselves better.

    I think those are two tools that I have used, so I can speak to how they work. And human design came into my world because I jumped into a coaching program where I got my human design red. And that's really what changed my life. Um, I would say because it used the terminology of when something is no longer lighting you up.

    Switch directions, pivot shift, find what does, and I had had this little seedling of an urge to jump into coaching. And so just hearing that was really what gave me the push and gave me the courage to do that. So now I run small group coaching programs. I coach people one-on-one, but I always incorporate movement and breath and people's human design readings as a way to guide them to just living life with more joy and like really just living life, like.

    I love that. That is so that's so beautiful. And, uh, and since you mentioned breathwork Katie, I know that is something that you are really passionate about. So yeah. Talk, talk a bit about what you do. Yeah. I think that's really interesting what Jamie said, how we all kind of start with yoga and then. Move outward from that to discover our own paths.

    So I also have been teaching yoga for about 10 years and what happened, which was really interesting as I, as I started teaching and getting opportunities, I sort of ended up teaching, gentle yoga, and primarily to senior populations, you know, older folks, um, and beginners would come to my gentle classes and.

    I really was able to see in a, in a very immediate way, how simple practices and emphasis on breath and not trying to like, do anything wild and magical with your body in terms of creating a shape or doing anything like impressive or stunty, um, was having really powerful effects and. It really taught me how powerful the breath work practices are and visualization

    and mindfulness.

    And so as I've gotten more into my own work and my own business and developing work that I can translate online, those have really stuck out to me as important tools, practical tools for people to use. And. You know, at the same time that I was teaching, like discovering this kind of. Secret pathway through breath, work and meditation.

    I was also dealing or struggling with like taking on this identity as a yoga teacher, whatever that might mean. And this feeling of like, I should be practicing a certain way. I should have, you know, this daily, you know, spiritual practice and it should look and feel a certain way. And my morning routine and you know, all this kind of, um, aesthetic stuff.

    That we put around a yoga teaching and yoga practice, and I just couldn't make it work. Like it just was not jiving for me. And I was constantly feeling like I was failing and she was creating all these like shame spirals. And so eventually for myself and my own journey, like realizing. How counterproductive that is to set up these expectations around, you know, what our basically self care practice is supposed to look and feel like really undermines what we're trying to do anyway.

    So as I've started to move into breath, work and meditation focus, um, I'm also really trying to weave in these practices of self-compassion and practicality and, you know, honoring what's true for you and what works and what doesn't work and what your reasons are for even coming to these practices so that you make sure they're serving you without shame, without guilt, without.

    Correct. Yeah. I, I really, really love that. And I know that like, I appreciate that you are both so similar in the sense of like, getting into alignment with what works for you and like what lights you up and getting rid of the sheds. And that has actually allowed you both to collaborate with each other, which we'll talk about in a second, because I love.

    The power of collaboration for entrepreneurs. Um, but I feel like this speaks so much to how I view business. And it's really interesting. And I'm sure that you could say the same both of you about all of your clients, but like we absorb so much good. Learning and information from our clients just as like we impart it.

    And it's was really fun to work with the both of you, because I'm so much like, you know, screw the sheds and do what feels right for you and all of this stuff from a very like business entrepreneurial focus lens, and your actual businesses are like teaching people how to do that in their whole lives.

    And so it was just as good reminder to me of. Oh, yeah. Like this is legit. Like it's real, like when you integrate all of that together, like that's where the magic. Happens. And I know Jamie, you talk a lot about alignment, so which I know can feel kind of like authenticity, like it can feel vague. Like, what is that?

    So, yeah, so just end, like, talk about how that is like alignment and the magic of when you are aligned to your business. And your life and all that good stuff. It's so funny. Cause I was just doing a solo episode for my podcast that does not belong to me yesterday. And I basically, it was like I had to do it sort of last minute.

    I forgot that it needed to be sent to the editor. And so I ended up just writing. Questions basically like journal questions that I asked myself and then spoke them to the microphone. It's like my own personal journal, like out there to the world now. But one of the questions, because I asked this to my guests on my podcast, what does alignment mean to you?

    So I was like, oh, I should probably answer that myself. Um, and I ended up like really spontaneously answering it in a way that was like, I actually think it's when we're going through the shit. Like, I actually think it's way. We fall and we stumble and we make mistakes and we find it really hard. And it's how do we handle those moments and how can we like kindly and compassionately pick ourselves back up?

    And that's really what it is, you know, there's those moments, obviously, that feel great. And like, we want to embrace and really acknowledge those like smooth sailing days or moments where you're like doing a launch in your business. And it goes super well. And you get all these dream clients like that absolutely is alignment, you know?

    But I think it's all of it. I just think it's not like I talk about this a lot in my alignment series. Like it's not a line, it's not this straight and narrow path. It's all, it's all of it. It's all of it. And how do we handle that? And even in those moments, like in human design, we talk about our not self theme, which is those moments when we're kind of out of alignment, actually.

    So there are things like frustration, anger, disappointment, bitterness, and we all experience all of those. But we need to experience those to know that that's not what we want to live in. Right. That's not what we actually want and what led to that. So with awareness, which like, you know, with meditation helps a lot too, actually, it was just like sitting with that and becoming an observer of that, as opposed to like this critical judgmental person towards yourself of saying, oh, you messed up again.

    Like, you're doing it wrong again. You know, you were busy last week. You said you were going to have a quieter week, and now here you are again. And it's like, okay, that's okay. That's all part of this, right? Yeah. Yeah. I just try again next week. Yeah. I really, I really love that. It's not like the like spiritual bypassing or like everything will just be like universe wonderful telling you what to do and then you'll be fine.

    Yeah. Yeah. It's like, yeah, like you said, like it's when you're going through the shit and, and Katie, I know like, cause you know, you and I worked together like, uh, doing meditation stuff and um, Like I was just expressing to you recently. Like my schedule is shifting as well. It's like compressing and it's.

    Like E using, having to get used to using my inner guidance or even just like trusting that to be like, oh, I can, like, I can adapt. And like, and this will be okay. And. Uh, like kind of lasts sewing. All of my, my thoughts, like all of those, like busy spinning out, like entrepreneurial, uh, thoughts to be like, okay, what do you do?

    Like, can I actually get quiet and like, think about what I need and how to kind of get back to myself. And I know you work with like several people who are entrepreneurs, you're an entrepreneur yourself. So. Yeah. Why don't you like talk to a little bit about like, kind of like when your thoughts are a bit wild and when we are feeling overwhelmed and like last that in and some things that people can do, and I know you're a big proponent of it.

    Doesn't have to look the same for everyone. So what are some of your like best practices for when people are just spinning and they have to like find their center and may actually make a decision? Oh, yeah. That's such a good question. Um, I think it can actually tie into what you were just saying about alignment, right?

    So part of alignment is for me the question of what are you aligning to, right? Because at any given moment, we can be kind of following external stuff, whether it's expectations from an industry or from someone who. Is talking on Instagram, like whatever it is or a past idea we had or society even, right?

    Like these are all things that we can easily. Probably we all do align with inadvertently, but I think, you know, Jamie and I, our work is very much around. Learning or relearning how to align with yourself with something within yourself, like your own anchor, your own compass. And that's where that inner guidance comes from and the inner wisdom, because when you're trying to just like, make sense of other people's ideas and this ties into how you coach about business, right?

    And you're trying to say like, well, this person tells me to email market and this person's telling me Instagram's the thing. And then I have to do a funnel. It's like, you can't do it all. You can't simultaneously be following all those different. Paths. Right. So it's like, it's just a constant struggle and then we feel bad because we're failing at it or whatever.

    Um, or maybe it's just me. It's, it's almost like, so I love the idea of lassoing or like turning the ship. Right. So instead of like looking for the lighthouse. All around you, 360 degrees. It's like you start to find the lighthouse within yourself to might sound a little cheesy, but because that's always there.

    And once you develop that and learn to trust it, you can always access it. So no matter what's going on, whether it's a business question, life question, family issue, relationship, like whatever you have that access to something in you that you know, and you're familiar with and you trust. So. That's I mean, a little side tangent on alignment.

    Um, oh, I love it. It's like the perfect that's like the perfect thing, because I mean, it is like the, like people listening. I, I can't imagine anyone listening to this would be like, oh no, I've never felt the pole to go in the direction that somebody else is telling me to go in. And it's, I think it's really, really.

    Hard and terrifying to be like, I am gonna do something different. Like I was just doing a free training the other day. And I kept saying like, the, and this is your permission to, and this is your permission to you, which like, not that you know, for anyone who doesn't feel like they need my permission. I don't want that to sound condescending, but I feel like a lot of times for people who.

    Especially have not been running different businesses or, or a single business for a long time, over a period of years, like, and has that like deep understanding of sales and marketing and like all of that, like, it can really feel like if I do this thing in alignment with what feels right to me, even though it's not what I quote unquote am told, I should do.

    Like, am I going to break something? Is that going to be wrong? Like, can I even trust that?

    And so it's like, I feel to me it feels liberating to give people permission, to be like, no, it will be like, you can trust yourself. Like it will be okay. Um, it might, you know, we might have to modify a few things or do some tweaks or whatever, but like ultimately there are.

    Combinations of things that you can do that I truly feel like there's a sweet spot for, for every person. So it's, it's great to hear you just reflect that out because yeah, I feel like it oftentimes it feels so, um, it's like we're having this constant inner battle with ourselves between. What our gut is telling us to do or not to do.

    And all of the noise that we are taking in that is telling us to. Do all of these disparate like sales and marketing techniques and strategies, all of this is so on point with human design, because a big part of human design is to not make decisions from the mind. Right. Which is like so challenging because our mind is sold loud, which is so at one point with meditation too, which is why we need that space.

    We need to quiet ourselves so that we can actually tune in and hear. That voice, that deeper knowing inside. And I like that it's called, like, I don't know if you've read Glennon. Doyle is untamed. I have it as a coaster, right under my drink right now. It's three feet away from me. It's like nearly all of it as highlighted, but yes, go ahead.

    But she talks about your, your knowing and I like that word, you know? Cause we use like instincts or intuition as well, but it's like. We all feel it in a different way. We might feel it in our physical body or hear it like a whisper or, you know, it depends how we want to go, but we all have that if we can learn to quiet.

    And it's exactly what you guys were talking about. And so much of that is trust. Like you've used that word a few times now, but it's really like trusting and like actually letting go of. Th this timeline, first of all, of like maybe when things are supposed to happen, but also what it's, what it's supposed to look like.

    And I often talk about in human design, I'm just going to throw this in because I can't help it, but there's a reflector energy type, which is a super rare one. Only 1% of the population are reflectors. But what I was talking about before, if you're not self theme, so when you're out of a lineup, There's this disappointment, but their signature, what they're meant to feel, what they desire.

    They want to feel as surprised. And I just think that's like so magical because imagine like, all of us were just like, not just sitting there being like, okay, universe, you know, throw stuff at me, but like being yourself and speaking about what you love and, you know, trying things out, experimenting with life a little bit in with your business, but being open to surprise and being open to wonder.

    And it seriously eliminates the disappointment. Like if we have all these expectations of how it's all going to go down, when we're launching an offer, it's like likely disappointment will be a part of something in there. You know? So if we can just release that and you know, I'm saying that, but it's, and it's hard.

    It's all of this is hard work, but it's good work. Yeah. And I think it's important to say, you know, it's not like we never get external interview. Or, you know, coach, right? Like, yeah, like

    Erica, you are my coach and I ask advice. And when you offer something to me, I trust you. You know? So it's not to say that, like we only, we have to do everything ourselves.

    Right. It's just that most of us are, we have so much going on externally so much like oriented towards other people and other people's intelligence and whatever authority. And so we like all, most of us I'll say kind of need that practice of being able to tune in and trust ourselves. Um, there's so much that I feel like I know internally if I trust, but there's so much, I don't know.

    Right. Erica and you like, and so many people I seek guidance from. Totally. Totally. Yeah. And I definitely, um, thank you for that. And I, I absolutely want to touch on that because it is so important and I have. I have all, I have tons of coaches. I mean, I currently, or in the past, and I know I will in the future.

    So yeah, like I, I always. More than happy to get the brilliance of other people to support me. Um, so I definitely like want to touch on that in a minute, but you, why I wanted to have the, both of you on together? Well, a few reasons, um, obviously, cause the work that you do is really aligned with each other, but also because it's really aligned with each.

    You have been able to collaborate. And this is one of my favorite things in my own business in growing my own business. Uh, my core thing like that, the book, the one thing I read it years ago, and my one thing was relationships. And it's every time I like kind of mentally go back to like, what is my, what is my one thing?

    Always universally is still relationships. And so, um, I, I can see like where collaborating and relationships have. Really helped me grow my business in a way that feels very aligned to me. And you have been able to do that as well for each other. So talk a little bit about how you have been able to merge your, your brilliance into alignment, to perfectly serve your people.

    Well, I just want to say that the first session we had in rebellious success, when Katie started talking about what she did, I was like, oh, I need that. Can't immediately. It like the way you spoke about it. And, and I felt like there was definitely a connection in terms of, um, our beliefs around yoga and, and all of that.

    But I, yeah, I basically was like, I'm a yoga teacher, but I need help with meditation. That is something that I struggle with. And the way you spoke about what you offer. I want that, but then yeah, the more getting to know you, I just, there's so many similarities. Um, but we also have different expertise. So I think that's, what's so fun about it.

    And I gave Katie, her human design reading, and then she's offered me some mentorship and coaching for my meditation practice. So it's been so, so valuable to have, first of all, met through this program. But then to stay connected. And one of my favorite things, Katie with you is just talking to you. So that's why I love like doing Instagram lives with you.

    And I honestly don't really care who was since obviously I would love people to listen because they would benefit from it as well. But I just find it's, you're so interesting to speak to. So that's, that's fun for me, but then I'm just excited to going forward. Like, I don't know if you want to speak to sort of what we had talked about for her the fall potentially.

    Yeah. Well, I have to say, I, I think this is probably a good thing. I feel like I got the good end of the deal in our collaborations. It's funny. Cause I feel the same too. So that's a good that's when you know, it's a good relationship. Um, because when we did connect early on in the program, I was struggling to figure out this like one-on-one mentorship program.

    And so Jamie really helped me. Practice and like, understand how that could work. And she was so willing to test it out with me. Um, and because we both come from this point of view, um, her feedback was like, just so helpful and spot on and what was cool because she had given me my human design reading and I was starting to think about that.

    And that would come up, you know, and talking about. Her challenges and what was going on with her around meditation and self care. Um, as we got through this kind of coaching work together, we actually started to design her meditation practice. With human design in mind. So like without going into the nerdy details, basically I, you know, we, the first part of our work together was to just establish the habit of practice and just get that into her body and get used to it and find our rhythm.

    That felt good. And then once she had that, we were like, okay, how can we make this more interesting? Like, how can we make this serve? You. In a way that makes sense and is good and helps you. And so we were able to kind of speak the language of human design and create a practice that served her energy centers and you know, what she was working through on, on that kind of stuff.

    Um, and that was just very cool for me because I love having different lenses to look through, to create a meditation practice and, you know, could involve movement, could involve breath, work can involve all kinds of things, but that's like really tailored. Really custom and specific that is just like, like bespoke for you and what, and you right now, right?

    Like not yet this idea of you perpetually, but like, what are you going through right now? What will be helpful? What's going to actually be something that you maybe even look forward to doing that, you know, why you're doing it, that you understand. Um, and so that was really cool. I can't stop thinking. So I think Jamie and I are going to do a workshop together, hopefully this fall on meditation and human design and sort of some common themes people can use to create a personal practice that serves them authentically and in love with that.

    And you, you did some. Uh, breathwork for some of her clients too, like it, part of the alignment series, right? Didn't you come in and guest and he was short of class for, so Jamie also that was for my yoga community. Yeah. Yeah. So that was great because, you know, again, in terms of, from like a business point of view, being able to connect with someone who's.

    Clients and people you work with, or like also my kind of people. And they're used to this kind of, um, way of speaking about practice and self care is just, and I already spoke about you so much in my classes that I was like, okay, I got to bring her in here so they can make it. Yeah. I love it. I love it.

    It's you know, for anyone listening, it's really cool. Like when you have. That connection with somebody and you serve similar people, but doing slightly different things like a

    collaboration does not mean that you need to create and launch a whole gigantic course together or form a business partnership or anything.

    It can literally just be. You know, bringing that person in to speak to your community, whatever your community is, even if that's just an IgE live or something. So it's, it's really fun. And it's, it's really powerful both just from, I mean, not just from like a business possibility, you know, revenue angle, but I don't know.

    I feel like it just adds this depth to. Are like just to our business lives and our, and our marketing and, and all of that, that, just to me, it makes it more fun. Maybe to some people they're like collaborations, feel like a nightmare, but to me, it just, it feels like you're doing something right. With a friend.

    Yes, for sure. I mean, there's also the spirit of abundance, right? Like there's a world in which I feel like Jamie and I could have come into this group together and felt like we were competition because teach yoga and we both kind of have. You know, mindset of acceptance and stuff, but thank goodness that didn't happen.

    And I think it's been a really good positive reinforcement for me of like, yo, we're so similar, we totally jive. And we can talk about a lot of things and we do really different things like, and someone is going to come to her for what she offers and is going to be so delighted and. You know, I have a great experience and someone's going to come to me and maybe there's someone who would do both and maybe there's someone who would do neither and that's all fine.

    And like, it's not a competition. We all just like, I mean, this is the first time I really felt that like, I'm not, I'm not, sugar-coating like, I really feel like we're just supporting each other and. I feel it is fun. It is fun. Yeah. What I can say too, to like working or being like, let's say a, a client of, Katie's like to try out this, this process is that like, I see everything she's put into it, you know, and I spoke about this too, about other like female entrepreneurs.

    Is that like, With the rebellious success women, not only do we see like these amazing, um, offers that they're putting out there and you know, that all of this based on life experience and trainings and programs, but we see the behind the scenes of like what email platform should I be be using? Okay. You know, which, like, I still struggle with like, which one do I put my video on too?

    Or there's so many aspects of it that when we go and like show our faces to people and we're like, here you go. It's like, they don't even see, you know, see what's came about, what's come before that. So anyways, there's so much to speak to that, but Katie had a great job and in all of it, yeah. I love it.

    Those are such, both such good points because I actually have a few friends, um, who, you know, we do, like you were saying, Katie, like very similar, not identical, but very, very similar work. And yet it would be so easy to be like, I can't be friends with them. I can't let them know what I'm doing and, and all of that, but it's like, yeah, no, it doesn't.

    I don't know. Like it's, I, I believe there is enough enough room for all of us, and it's really cool to hear about what they're doing and, um, feel inspired by that and excited for them

    and cheer them on. And, and Jamie, to your point too. Uh, I know for all of you, there were several things where I'm like, oh, Hey, I'm thinking about changing this or adding this or doing this.

    Like, what do you all think? Like, I want your feedback on the program. And so it was fun to have you in my first cohort because, and that can feel very, like, I don't know, there's probably a lot of people out there who would be like, I don't want to ask my clients. They're gonna think of. Like ridiculous.

    But like, I should just know, or I should be, but I'm like, no. I want to hear from you. You're in the container. That's why we love you though. This is why you're human. Yeah. I just, I can't it's like, I don't know. I'm just too, I guess. I, I just can't, I can't help, but like do things differently. It's just in my, it's just in my nature, but, uh, but yeah, so back to coaching, cause I know, um, Katie uses.

    Put out a really beautiful email about feeling like you didn't resonate with the term coach. And I very much felt that too. Especially because, oh God, like the business coaching industry, there's like so many bad actors in it and stuff. Um, but back to the point about like getting help and allowing ourselves to be supported.

    Why don't you talk a little bit about that? Because I know it was Jamie that actually like helped to empower you to feel okay. Being a coach. Oh, yeah. Well, for me, it's the life coach did my, like, I feel like every previous business program I went through, it was like all, you know, copywriters and marketers and then like life coaches and I'm just.

    All respect to life coaches like that is not me. That's not what I do. Um, and so I just really was hesitant around that word. Um, and then, you know, like meeting you, Erica and signing on for rebellious success and like, you know, coach had always been something I thought that was like out of reach for me, you know, something I couldn't afford was like, you know, a level that I wasn't at yet.

    Working with you in this program, which just fit what I needed. So well, I started to get more comfortable with this idea of like, no, like that this is what I want, and this is what I need and I can have it, right. Like I can have someone advise me and support me, um, around my business and, and everything that's involved in that.

    And then meeting Jamie who, you know, I knew how to yoga backgrounds and. Was you doing human? I think you, you call yourself a human design coach, right? Or so alignment coach and human design leader, but really any of the above the word coach is a narrative. And so seeing someone who had, who was able to like really beautifully bridge yoga and coaching kind of opened this new doorway in my brain and the more I just circled around it, it was like, that's what I do.

    Like this kind of positive, empowering. Accepting compassionate style of coaching. Like that is what I do. And you know, the default is to call myself a teacher meditation teacher breath for teacher. And there's something about that power inherent power dynamic. That just didn't feel right for me as I was moving into this more.

    Different space around personal practice and self care. And so I liked to be able to think of

    coach as like the person supporting you, the person, helping you figure out what works versus trying to impart some kind of cookie cutter structure or program on top of you, subtle difference. But for me, it kind of really started to crack things open.

    Yeah, that is, that is a really huge difference. And that is, yeah. That's like got my gears turning too, because yeah, it's very much, yeah. I don't want to, as much as I love teaching and teaching, you know, free or, you know, paid workshops and things like that, it's a different relationship than when I'm actually.

    Coaching, um, for sure. And, uh, I mean, cause you all, you all know, like, I, I feel like the differences is like in coaching to your point about like cookie cutter and even the like human design and alignment, I always end everything with like, how does that feel for you? Like it's never a, it's like a very clear line of.

    Like, I'm definitely not one of those coaches that just only ants like asks open-ended questions. Like I do have a really, you know, a strong, strong strategic brain and can come up with ideas and like to present the ideas, but it's always like the agency goes back on to you and ultimately whatever you decide, like yeah.

    Rock on. Like, I support that. That's the most important thing for me, for sure. Yeah. And you're teaching skills. You're still teaching tools, skills, methods, right. But it's like, that's in the. Container of coaching, which is about like, how, how do you choose which ones are going to work for you? Which ones feel good and which ones make sense?

    Right. That's kind of like the open part of it versus just saying like, start with this, then do this, then do that, then do that. Okay. Absolutely. Yeah. I love that. And Jamie, I know you, um, cause you don't just run your. Personal business. You also, co-run your family business, like you're, you've been renovating a whole house.

    Like you wear a lot of hats. You're doing it's so funny. Even just sitting here now, like I have the day off, I'm putting that in quotation marks. The small little marina restaurant bar that I ran in the summer is, um, out in the Eastern townships. It's about an hour outside of Montreal. And my husband is like trying to quietly.

    He's like, is it okay if I sand and you're downstairs for the podcast? And I was like, no, that's just, our house is very small and no. Um, and then I just saw a delivery truck go by to the marina because I live on this. Street as it. And I was like, oh God, right during the lunch rush, that is not good. You know, like so hard to turn off in the summer, but this is why that I came up with.

    I think that answer of what is alignment to me is like experiencing these moments where it's like, this is not feeling good. So what can I do to make it feel better? I had to make two trips to the grocery store this morning. Cause I forgot. Chips anyways, it's just like, yeah, it's been a wild ride of a summer.

    It's been super busy. Um, and I can't complain in a way because we're very lucky to still have a restaurant that's open after this pandemic and still during this yeah. Strange time where now people have come out of the woodworks and they're excited to go to. Like, they don't really know how to be a human anymore.

    So they have all these speaking of expectations like I spoke about before. So yeah, there's a lot of heightened expectations and we have to kind of, anyways, it takes a lot of energy is what I've realized. So I've been trying to keep my personal. Jamie Moore, coaching, yoga, human design, business, afloat all summer and whatever way that feels good, right?

    Like just saying, you know, and that would be doing my podcast every other week. It feels really good. I enjoy that so much. It's still talking about human design. I gave a free workshop the other night and it's doing a few readings, but I've realized that the readings cause they take about an hour. Of my time where I'm speaking and it's like, you know, it's a lot of energy to do that.

    So I realized that those have felt a little bit more of a struggle to do. And I think it's because I don't have as much energy as I did all winter long, let's say. So that's been interesting to kind of navigate and I'm super excited for the fall. Not trying to rush the moment, trying to be super present, but.

    I am looking forward to first of all, taking a break and then seeing what's going to come up with my business because I have a few offers in the, in the works. Like, I feel like I'm getting really excited about a few ideas that I have coming up, which will still incorporate human design and yoga and, uh, helping people to live their best lives.

    I love it. I love that. And it's so it's so real and it's so honest. And I know, so like you, uh, Like, obviously people invest in you to guide them and you have invested in me and in Katy. So what is your take on that? Like the power that comes from investing in help investing in guidance and coaching or mentorship, however people want to see it or call it.

    What does that. How does that, like, what's your take on that? Well, I very strongly believe in it, first of all. And I think when I look back on who I've invested in, on the coaches I've hired, or the programs I've taken, I do it very spontaneously. Like it's a very. Like just okay. I'm in, that's it like, I don't overthink it.

    Like I, when I signed up with you for rebellious success, I think I watched one live and it was, I think I was like last minute, like I was in under the wire. And you had, I think the thing I remember you saying was basically like, I can kind of help you. I was something along the lines of get from a, say, $3,000 a month to a $5,000 a month, or you use sort of those numbers in some way.

    And I was like, oh, that's what I need. I don't need six figures yet because that's the coaching world is all about this big, your month is. Yes,

    we've compressed. It is great. I don't want to like, you know, if I got there one day, that's amazing. And like, you know, if you're there, that's amazing. But yeah, it just, you spoke to me, you really spoke to. And I've been with other coaches who don't speak to me anymore, or they do in certain ways, you know what I mean?

    And they did at the time and you're going to be a coach of mine. Like I know I'm going to constantly listen to you, but I'm also going to learn from other people too. So yeah, I'm just such a believer. I just put it out there to like, look for someone to help me put my video content. On my website, you know, as simple as that.

    And like, it was something that came up like now, now I want to just get past this roadblock and I need help and I could figure it out. We talk about this a lot and it's like, we couldn't figure out how to do it. Like, I'm a smart person. I can look it up on YouTube has like everything. Right. Um, but my time is way more valuable.

    And by the time I am going to spend, trying to figure this out could be used with creating magical offers. So I'm going to do that. So I'm definitely. So open to spending, spending money on myself in so many ways. And I think people like, I love the conversation around like the price tag and how much people are charging for certain things.

    And I do feel like I still have room to grow in terms of like, maybe I'm undercharging still, but we have to do what feels right. It's exactly what you said. Like what energetically feels good and it doesn't need to be based around like, okay, well that's one hour of my time. So I have to charge, you know, it's, doesn't need to be that way, which you've taught us as well.

    So that's going to be, it's still a work in progress of what should I charge as a coach. Um, but surrounding myself with people, like, like both of you helps a lot. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. And I really like. I know it's so, uh, it can be so hard at first, kind of like Katie, you mentioned earlier about like, just investing, feeling like, you know, you, weren't the type of person who could have a coach.

    Um, I feel like it can be such a hard. Leap for a lot of people, uh, because we're not like we're, we're normalized to believe in like college, right? Like that is a worthy thing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into. But when it comes to something that is like outside of the norm, I just, I feel like it's hard.

    And like, I, then I think once you do it and unless you get unfortunately like burned badly, like have a really bad experience. But like once you have a really good experience, it it's such a different feeling. Like I love investing in other people to be supported in all different ways. Like not just business, but also personal.

    Cause it just feels like really spacious and really nice to. Have that right? Like when I am just, yeah, like when I don't want to spend a trillion hours going over a thousand ideas in my mind, I can just like go to that person and be like, let me just brain dump all of my thoughts. Can you help me sort this out?

    And then it's like, oh great. Now I can do it to do. It's just it's. So it feels like such a gift and it really does. It really does. Um, and at a certain point, like I know for me, and I've talked to other people too, you can experience like program burnout or like, yeah, I was on a roll, like 20, 20. I invested I'm sure it was.

    Or anyways, maybe over a couple of years, but over $10,000 probably in like coaching and programs. And I don't have any regrets about that, but I remember after being in certain programs, um, there was a moment where I was like, I just need this. And it's really that later someone's like Shavasana and yoga where it's like, okay, you've done all the work and now you need to let it absorb and sink in and I can literally cannot take it anymore.

    Which is why over the summer, I have to like delete emails before opening them from people who are like free. Like even you are. Yeah, what is, I literally was like sign up and I had to

    move my hand away because I was like, there's no, I have no capacity for this right now. Like, you know, and that's fine.

    That's okay. I will eventually again soon, but just understanding our limits too, in terms of taking in knowledge. Yes. Oh my God. I love that. And honestly, I love that you didn't sign up. Like, it makes me happy. Don't show up. I told a client yesterday, she was like, should I not take the vacation and do this thing for my work?

    I'm like, take the vacation. I'm not even going to say, like, how do you think that? How does that feel? No, take the vacation. Yes. This is just straight up telling you, but yeah, no, I love, oh my gosh, I, everything you said, and I am glad it's not just me because I always need integration time as well. Like I'm peaks and valleys in terms of like being in program.

    So. Awesome. Well, speaking of programs, we will wrap it up, but I would just love to hear from each of you, like, what was your biggest. Takeaway or aha, or thing that you got from rebellious success that you would want somebody else to know? Put me on the spot. I'll go. I, Katie, if you don't mind, I mean, one of my core values, definitely like you spoke to relationships and I think like one of mine is connection or community.

    I kind of weave in both. And I think for me that was the biggest part. Like what we've just been talking about with collaboration, but like having a leader too, right? Like there's one thing to be said about like, okay. A group of entrepreneurs that meet and chat or. Um, have the hot seat or something like that, but having someone like you, Erica, as like an actual leader there to give your like wisdom and advice, but also you were so great at being like actually, Jillian, you might have a better idea in this, in this topic.

    So what do you think? You know, and it makes us really feel. Seen and heard and included. And it's not just you being like, Hey, do this, do this, do this. Right. So, and also the longevity of it, like I do feel like, I think it was six months, right. That felt like a really good amount of time to build these connections and really trust each other.

    Um, and then to continue on right after with things like this, even so as much as there's like, I could go into like details of like how I progressed with. My website and actually like my email marketing and that sort of stuff too. Like the actual logistics of running a business. But I have to say for me, it was definitely that just feeling this like support for at all times too, because it wasn't just our call every two weeks.

    It was the slack channel as well. That was like, just so, so incredible. There was always someone there for you. I love that. I love to hear it. Thank you. Thank you. I second, all of that. Yeah. Our, our group was very special. And while I want to think that it was just all of us and no group could ever be as special, I'm sure every group people together is very special.

    Um, but I think for me, I mean, there's so much I could say, but I'll try to keep it. Comprehensible, um, one really big thing, which was right at the top of the program was nailing down my truth about like, why am I doing this work? Why is it important to me? What do I really believe? Like take away again, all those, like external of like what it's supposed to be or what I should be doing.

    And just like, really, what am I doing here? And I feel like I've tried to do that work before,

    but then. Got out when it got tough, like mentally challenging and being within the group and having a place to just bounce ideas and evolve. It helped me to really nail it down to the point where I have printed it out.

    And it's now like it's here. Like, I mean, I did it this morning cause I was like, I need this, but it's like, and there's still true. Like what eight months later? I'm like, yeah, that is it. That this is what I'm doing. This is why I'm here. And related to that, I think the other thing that I really. Got out of this program that has been super meaningful is like I'm no longer entertaining the idea of quitting, like as a real idea.

    I mean, sure. Like I have bad days. I'm like, wow, I just want to quit and read a book and eat snacks, but like, I'm really not entertaining the idea of quitting. Like I am, this is what I am here to do. And I will find a way to do it and I will keep trying things and things will suck and somethings will be good, but like, I'm in it.

    And I have to just ride through the crappy times when they come up, enjoy the good stuff, notice what works and just keep moving forward. But before I really had a lot, I would go into like big waves of just like doubting and backpedaling and all kinds of stuff. So I feel like getting out of that has been mentally.

    At least very meaningful and helpful. I love that. Oh my gosh. That just makes me so happy to, to hear because, uh, it's kind of funny, like starting with truth, it does feel a little bit like I worry sometimes like, oh, is that going to feel too? Wishy-washy you know, cause it's not. It's not necessarily like, oh, let's hit the ground running to how you can make money this week.

    But it's, it's also very intentional because it is the foundation for so important, everything else that comes after it. So it's true. I've done that. I've done that for it. Yeah, exactly. I feel like I've done that too. Like finding your why your truth, but you need to do it like yeah. And if you like redo it and it's still the same, that's amazing too, right.

    Or a version of it in one way or another. Yeah. I love that. Well, this was so awesome. I appreciate you both so much for so many reasons. Thank you again. And you Erica, this was the best. Yeah, it really was like, I won't, I will end it here cause I could keep talking to you for another like four hours. But because I love you both so much, but thank you again.

    Have a beautiful day who takes of.


EP. 126: [RS Spotlight] Why Brand Strategy is Essential with Solveig Petch


Ep. 124: How to Break Through the "Murky Middle" of Business