Ep. 157: UPDATE: Read My Book & Work With Me in 2023!

UPDATE: Read My Book & Work With Me in 2023!

Hot damn, my book is finally HERE! After 3 years of working on it it’s finally out in the world and surprisingly it’s NOT a business book. It’s a book about making change in the world.

You can learn more and get a free chapter at ErikaTebbens.com/book

Also, if you’ve been wanting to work with me, a new cohort of Rebellious Success is beginning in late January 2023. Go to RebelliousSuccess.com to learn more and apply.

  • So it has been many a month since I have recorded anything for this podcast. Uh, I know I left you hang in with the summer break announcement and then I had intended to come back and, uh, do another, a follow up one.

    Early in the fall to say that I have decided to pause the podcast for now. Uh, because I am focusing on different things and I know there's already so much great content here, uh, that honestly, you know, with over 150 episodes, there's. So much good stuff to listen to and even re-listen to. Uh, and also so many ways to get even more growth, support and sales support with your business, uh, in the various offers that I have.

    So I was practicing what I preach and prioritizing my time and, uh, reshuffling around where I was going to be showing up and focusing my time and energy and, I'm gonna be talking about two of those places today. So this is a little, a little update episode for you, so you know what I've been up to and what I'm focusing on and how you can get in on the magic.

    So first things first. If you have been thinking about working with me, if you've been thinking about, uh, growing your business without growing your working hours, then I want you to know that I am currently enrolling for my fifth cohort of my group program, rebellious. We don't start until January 25th, so there is no rush.

    You have plenty of time to look everything over to apply, to have a conversation with me, to make sure it's the right fit. Um, but if you have an established business and you are really looking in, you know, 20, 23 and beyond to grow your revenue without working more. Having to rely on trending tactics or gross skims or compromising your values in any way, um, then it's definitely the program for you.

    I. Often say it's the place where people come when they want to, uh, double their revenue without doubling their working hours. Um, but do it in a way that truly feels like them. It is not cookie cutter, it is not one size fits all. Um, it is not. Something that is just going to add more stress to your plate.

    This is really born out of my nearly 20 years of experience growing successful businesses for myself and for. Other people. So to check it all out, just go to rebellious success.com and you can see it all there. Uh, so again, that's rebellious success.com. Um, you can check it out and, uh, I'm always happy to answer questions, so just shoot me an email or a DM on Instagram and we can chat to make sure it's the best thing for you.

    But I love it. It's my passion, it's my pride and joy. It's my favorite thing I've ever created, and it also comes with all of my other fantastic IP that I'm really proud of. Yeah, check that out. Rebellious success.com. We start January 25th. Um, if you are listening to this before December 8th though, I want you to know, um, I'm bringing back my, your prosperous year, uh, workshop.

    It is $88. Um, I will be sending out some info, uh, to my email list and, um, on Instagram as well. Uh, however, if you join Rebellious Success, like if you, um, sign up, put your deposit down, everyth. Before December 8th, uh, you will get to go through it for free. Um, and the benefit of that, cuz obviously $88 is not that much money, um, in the grand scheme of things, but the benefit of being able to attend live is that there is time at the end for q and a and, uh, we're gonna be, I'm gonna be showing you.

    Planning methodology that I've used for myself and my clients for years, and you can actually, uh, work on your. 2023 and Q1 plan live with me and, um, get questions asked. So there you have it. That is how we can work together, uh, in 2023. And I can't wait to see what cohort five, uh, looks like. It's, um, small group.

    Max is out at 20 people, so it's nice and intimate and we're gonna have a lot of fun. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I actually. For the first time ever, have an option that comes with a retreat, um, here in Michigan, um, in summer of 2023. So I'm really, really, really excited and spaces are super limited for that.

    So if you wanna hang out with me in person, then uh, definitely get in on the retreat option. Okay. Onward two. Announcement number two, I wrote a book and it's actually not a business book. I mean, you could apply it to your business, you could use it as inspiration in your business, but it is not actually a business book.

    It is a book on creating change. And by the time. That you listen to this, uh, you know, assuming there are no glitches or issues, that book will be out in the world. So I'm gonna read you a passage from it. I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about it, but you can download chapter one for free and you can learn more and you can see links to purchase.

    Both as, uh, a physical book or an ebook if you go to erica tobins.com/book. So again, that's erica tobins.com/book and you can see it all there. All, all of the magic, uh, get your hands on a copy. I, this has been a labor of love. 2019, April of 2019, uh, was when I first, uh, worked on the outline with, uh, my friend and former client, Jennifer Locke, um, who is phenomenal.

    Um, and then I started writing it in 2020. So here we are. It's, uh, it's been such a, such a huge project, but I. So grateful to have it out there, and I really feel like it could not be coming out at a more perfect time because well, you'll learn why in just a second when I read you a passage from it. So it's called You've Got this.

    It's a counterintuitive guide to powerful, inevitable change making. And I have a feeling that if you are listening to this, you want to create positive change in the world and. I know that that can feel really daunting. It can feel like, you know, how, how could anything that you would do make a difference?

    Um, you know, do you need a lot of money? Do you need a lot of power, uh, in order to actually make a difference? Can you truly make a difference with, you know, through your business, through your life, through other avenues? And I'm here to tell you, yes, you absolutely can. So I'm gonna pause this, take a quick sip of water, and then I'm going to read you a passage from the introduction to the book so you can see.

    If you vibe with it and if you want to spend some time this winter reading it. Um, also good news, cuz I know we're all busy, uh, it's a, it's a slim book. It will not take you very long to read it. Uh, I had to reread it billion times, um, in the editing process. And I can tell you that I was able to get through it every time in about like two or three days.

    And that was. Me reading for the whole entire day either. Okay, water has been procured, and away we go. I want to change the way you think about change. About how it looks and who's allowed to do it and why. Shifting our thoughts and beliefs around creating change is urgent. When we think about being a change maker, we think it's going to be a lot of effort.

    We have to know all the steps right out of the gate. We need lots of time, resources, energy, and clout to make anything good happen. We have to be someone special or even superhuman to make an impact. Think Wonder Woman or Mother Teresa. Not only are these ideas untrue, they're harmful, they keep us small and quiet.

    They uphold the status quo, and they prevent us from using our own unique brand of magic to create positive change for ourselves, our communities, and the world. The status quo wants us to feel like change is an all or nothing affair, or it doesn't really count. But the truth is there are zero people in the world who are doing everything perfectly in each area of their life, and yet somehow we end up being incredibly hard on ourselves and what we see as personal failings, rather than reminding ourselves that evolution is a process and not a single one of us can upend harmful systems on our own.

    But because of this, we look at people like Oprah or Melinda Gates or any other philanthropic celebrity, and wrongly assume that to make change, we have to be someone so far beyond the people that we are. But guess what? Even Beyonce isn't living a life devoid of flaws. Plus, she has an incredible amount of help and support to bring her magic to life.

    That's not an insult. It's something to be celebrated. When the dominant narrative in our minds is I need to be a spectacular human, a flawless partner and parent, and terrific cook who serves up healthy and delicious meals week after week, and I need to get enough sleep and drink enough water, volunteer workout, spend quality time with my friends, have no debt, meditate, have a morning routine and a skin skincare regimen, or else I suck.

    Well, that's a problem. But it's an understandable one. This message is the one we've been fed by societal conditioning and masterful marketing teams. It lumps all of us together without taking nuance into account. This forces us to keep our eyes focused on impossible goals rather than the real change we can make right in front of us.

    This season of your life might be incredibly challenging, leaving you little time or space to do anything beyond the essentials, or you might be in a more spacious season. Where you have ample time and resources available to you. Often we judge ourselves for what we aren't accomplishing in a season of struggle.

    As we watch those who are living a different chapter of their lives, or we have other obstacles that make things hard, and instead of acknowledging those things and asking what we can do, we feel guilt for what we can't. Don't forget though, the systems that harm you are the same systems that benefit from making you feel like you're unqualified to create change for.

    And others. The longer we wait for all conditions to be perfect or to have some sort of permission slip to pursue what we want, the more we uphold the status quo. I'm not saying this to add to your guilt heap because you absolutely don't need more to feel shitty about. Instead, my hope is to illuminate the fact that it's easy to feel like a nobody most days, even if we have friends and family who care deeply about us, it makes perfect sense to feel like our goals or dreams don't matter.

    In the grand scheme of things, it often feels selfish or foolish to want to make a positive impact in the world, but it isn't selfish or foolish at all. In fact, it's essential. The world needs nobodys who are bold enough to live meaningful, joyful. It needs average people to live their lives in extraordinary ways.

    Not necessarily flashy ways that bring them fame, but in a manner that says, I can't fix every problem, but I can put my heart behind this one. I know it feels overwhelming to decide where to start Again, the systems are designed to keep you so overwhelmed and stressed that you don't even bother to make a ripple, much less a wave.

    But this book is going to give you both permission to chase after the change you want to see and a roadmap to begin the process. I want you to do your thing because showing up for your desires is a radical act. I want you and all of us to live in a both and world, not in either or world. A world in which we make sacrifices because of the commitments we've made to ourselves, not as defacto moves to survive systems that hate us.

    This book is here to guide you on this great adventure, changing how you think about change, going out and actually making change and leaving the world better than you found it in your uniquely you way. The time is now, the person is you. Yes. So that is a little snippet from the introduction of my new book that just came out that I self-published, that I'm very, very proud.

    Again, if you wanna learn more, go to erica tobins.com/book, and if you want to work with me, either check out rebellious success.com or reach out and we can find something else if that isn't quite the right fit. And as always, if you're on my email list, that is where you'll probably be hearing from me the most and the most consistently.

    But I still pop up. Fairly often on Instagram at Erica Tobin's Consulting, although I have been spending a little less time there. Um, but definitely be sure you are on my email list. There are plenty of ways to get on it from any of my free resources. If you opt in for any of those, you can get on it. Or if you scroll to the bottom of the pages on my website, you can just, uh, get on the general list.

    All right. Thank you for being here. If you've been a long time listener, thank you for your support. I have loved, loved, loved every. I am so proud of this podcast. I am so grateful for your listenership. Uh, and if you're new here again, there's over 150 episodes, so go back, take what you need, leave the rest, and as always, happy selling.


Ep. 156: Summer Break Announcement, Where to Find Me & What’s Next!